Hawaiian Adventures

I decided to go to Hawaii with my best friend for my birthday (yes Sagittarius season) best decision ever. I hate the cold weather and New York in the winter seems to have even more tourists then it does during the summer (how?). When I left it was snowing and despite the 11 hour trip (it’s brutal people – and anyone who reads this blog knows I travel) it was worth it. Here’s a few of my fav shots.

Mish-Mash p4

More Mish Mash!!

I realized I left my camera in Spain when I left 😦 so I have nothing new to add so for now some more mish-mash.


This first one is pretty typical in London, its the red double decker bus. Which I thought was honestly only a myth or a legend but no it’s for real. All the buses are actually like this and it’s so cool and so British and super posh. The point of this photo is, I thought it was super cool and wanted to remember. Plus the timing was perfect because there were no cars and/or people obstructing the shot, which seems to be almost impossible to do.


This is Malaga, Spain. I came here after my program ended for a little decompression time after a stressful trying 3 months of teaching. (I say that with the most sarcasm I can possibly muster) Anyways, there’s nothing particular special about this photo, it’s just like any other beach photo but a Spanish beach therefore, automatically making it 490903 cooler than any old normal beach photo. (also said with lots of sarcasm)


Isn’t this kind of creepy?

So this photo was taken in the Canary Islands, this little chain of about 7 islands off of the coast of Africa that are owned by Spain. I love this photo because the forest looks sooooo creepy. Like not something you would expect to see on a tropical Spanish Island, but rather in a forest in Oregon or somewhere else. We were driving up Mount Teide which is also a huge volcano and were stopped by some police since it was raining the mountain was closed for 10 minutes while they cleared the rubble. It was super eerie to be up so high, with fog and a light rain and look out the window and see these creepy ass trees with eerie fog so I snapped a photo so I could be haunted reminded of the beautiful site forever.