BLM – Quarantine – Corona and more

I realize that this lockdown was probably the best time for me to reignite my blog fire, but like many of us I’m sure your coronavirus plans didn’t go well, as planned. Instead of giving you a user friendly breakdown of what happened to me, I’ll link you out to an article that can better explain it (because truly who doesn’t love a good link out)

For those of you who are wondering, I’m Lindsey and yes, that my family and I in the article , but for my friends who don’t like reading, I’ll sum it up.

  • I was told I was going to WFH for two week, flights were $78 one way so I booked a trip to see my parents for 2 weeks and WFH whoohoo!
  • After 6 days of WFH myself along with 400 others were let go
  • Everyone in New York was fucked
  • LOL stay-at-home orders began, I was funemployed so me and my suitcase of 3 t-shirts decided to stay in Florida
  • For the next 3 months I ate, practiced my splits, cut off all the straight hair (yes I’m back to my natural roots), read, learned how to make macaroni & cheese, attended 389 zoom calls, had my first Hennessy slushi, helped my mom decorate the house, mowed my parents lawn twice, saw my grandparents, and watched an astonishing amount of TV (I’m actually embarassed to list out all the shows but a small sampling includes – 90 Days before the 90 Days, Married at First Sight – Charlotte, 90 Days the other way, Upload, Insecure – who hasn’t, Too Hot to Handle, Chefs Table, Singapore Social..and that’s all I’m going to reveal)
  • I drove to DC with my mom
  • Drove to NYC by myself
  • Shit really hit the fan, I protested, went to vigils and all around felt depressed

So now logically I’m going back to the scene of the crime aka Florida in a few days!

Horray for Corona

PS. I started a new job Monday, thanks for all your t’s and p’s



I’ve been OH SO FORTUNATE and haven’t had a bad hair day in like 3 months. But today…today was another story.

I woke up and it looked at if half my hair decided to take a little vacation, like hello? did I not just spend like 20 minutes moisturizing and twisting you to perfection? and this is how you repay me? rude as shit. Needless to say I’m a dark place today.